HDL (Hardware Description Language) based design has established itself as the modern approach to design of digital systems, with VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) and Verilog HDL being the two dominant HDLs. Numerous universities thus introduce their students to VHDL (or Verilog). The problem is that VHDL is complex due to its generality. Introducing students to the language first, and then showing them how to design digital systems with the language, tends to confuse students. The language issues tend to distract them from the understanding of digital components. And the synthesis subset issues of the language add to the confusion.
We developed the following tutorial based on the philosophy that the beginning student need not understand the details of VHDL -- instead, they should be able to modify examples to build the desired basic circuits. Thus, they learn the importance of HDL-based digital design, without having to learn the complexities of HDLs. Those complexities can be reserved for a second, more advanced course. The examples are mostly from the textbook Embedded System Design by Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis. They start from basic gates and work their way up to a simple microprocessor. Most of the examples have been simulated by Aldec ActiveHDL Simulator and Synopsys Design Analyzer, as well as synthesized with Synopsys Design Compiler. Several sequential design examples have been successfully tested on Xilinx Foundation Software and FPGA/CPLD board.
We developed the following tutorial based on the philosophy that the beginning student need not understand the details of VHDL -- instead, they should be able to modify examples to build the desired basic circuits. Thus, they learn the importance of HDL-based digital design, without having to learn the complexities of HDLs. Those complexities can be reserved for a second, more advanced course. The examples are mostly from the textbook Embedded System Design by Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis. They start from basic gates and work their way up to a simple microprocessor. Most of the examples have been simulated by Aldec ActiveHDL Simulator and Synopsys Design Analyzer, as well as synthesized with Synopsys Design Compiler. Several sequential design examples have been successfully tested on Xilinx Foundation Software and FPGA/CPLD board.