This document defines requirements on VHDL models and testbenches, and is intended to be used as an applicable document for ESA developments involving VHDL modelling. It is mainly focused on digital models; specific requirements for analog modelling have not been covered.
The requirements concern simulation and documentation aspects of VHDL models delivered to ESA; specific rules and guidelines for logic synthesis from VHDL have not been included. Nevertheless, the requirements of this document are compatible with the use of logic synthesis. The requirements are not applicable for the case when a design database is transferred in VHDL format.
The purpose of these requirements is to ensure a high quality of the developed VHDL models, so they can be efficiently used and maintained with a low effort throughout the full life-cycle of the modelled hardware.
The requirements are based on the VHDL-93 standard, to minimise future maintenance efforts for updating models. However, in an initial stage the models shall be backward compatible with VHDL-87 as far as possible, since some tools will not be updated immediately.
The requirements have been structured in a general part applicable to all VHDL models, and additional requirements applicable to different kinds of models. In addition, VHDL code examples and a list of common problems encountered have been included in order to provide some guidance to the VHDL developer. If not stated which kind of model is to be developed, the default kind is a model for Component simulation.
The requirements concern simulation and documentation aspects of VHDL models delivered to ESA; specific rules and guidelines for logic synthesis from VHDL have not been included. Nevertheless, the requirements of this document are compatible with the use of logic synthesis. The requirements are not applicable for the case when a design database is transferred in VHDL format.
The purpose of these requirements is to ensure a high quality of the developed VHDL models, so they can be efficiently used and maintained with a low effort throughout the full life-cycle of the modelled hardware.
The requirements are based on the VHDL-93 standard, to minimise future maintenance efforts for updating models. However, in an initial stage the models shall be backward compatible with VHDL-87 as far as possible, since some tools will not be updated immediately.
The requirements have been structured in a general part applicable to all VHDL models, and additional requirements applicable to different kinds of models. In addition, VHDL code examples and a list of common problems encountered have been included in order to provide some guidance to the VHDL developer. If not stated which kind of model is to be developed, the default kind is a model for Component simulation.