Sabancı University
VHDL Basic I/O and Its Applications
Objects of file type – it is a special type that serve as an interface between the VHDL programs and the host environment.
Motivation – how file objects are created, read, written and used within VHDL simulations
To get it right – File input and output cannot be synthesized, I/O operations do not refer to I/O pins of FPGA chips
Motivation – how file objects are created, read, written and used within VHDL simulations
To get it right – File input and output cannot be synthesized, I/O operations do not refer to I/O pins of FPGA chips
Test Benches with File Object
Test bench – VHDL programs for testing VHDL models. A typical test bench reads test inputs from a file, applies them to the VHDL model under test and records model outputs for analysis.