IEEE Std. 1076-1993: VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) supports the description and simulation of event-driven systems.
IEEE Std. 1076.1-1999: Extension to VHDL to support the description and simulation of analog and mixed-signal circuits and systems
IEEE Std. 1076.1-1999 together with IEEE Std. 1076-1993 is informally known as VHDL-AMS.
VHDL-AMS is a strict superset of IEEE Std. 1076-1993: Any model valid in VHDL 1076 is valid in VHDL-AMS and yields the same simulation results
Why is VHDL-AMS needed?
VHDL 1076 is suitable for modeling and simulating discrete systems. Designers want a uniform description language and Many of today’s designs include at least some continuous characteristics such as
System design- Mixed-signal electrical designs
- Mixed electrical/non-electrical designs
- Modeling design environment
Analog design
- Analog behavioral modeling and simulation
Digital design
- Detailed modeling (e.g. submicron effects)